Including an overview of your proposed marketing and publicity plans in your metadata can help not only our Sales and Marketing teams support you and your book launch, but can also demonstrate to buyers how you intend to promote your book, how much attention they should pay to your book, and how you will be getting the word out to drive customers to their shelves. 


We encourage you to submit via the Data Correction Form field 'Other', labeled 'Marketing & Publicity Plans', a bulleted summary version of your marketing and PR plans (at least 5 bullets) about your general campaign plans and outreach, etc that let buyers know how you plan to get the word out about the book. Plans submitted to us via the Data Correction Form or via ONIX in the proper field are fed out to Edelweiss and appear as part of your book's listing when our Sales reps present your title to buyers and accounts. 

[The Data Correction Form can be found on Publisher Resources under the Forms tab.]


See below for some examples of how to format your marketing & publicity plan overview in your Data Correction Form or ONIX submission:


Suggestions and example for a major children's picture book:

  • Submission to major media and trade review publication 

  • influencer outreach campaign
  • Digital review copies available via Edelweiss
  • Social media support and paid social media advertising, focused on Instagram & Pinterest
  • Featured at select library conferences including ALA 
  • Focused library marketing via Library Journal, Booklist & Publishers Weekly
  • Outreach to pre-K educators and bloggers 
  • ABA Box mailing
  • Prepublication trade advertising
  • Downloadable storytime kit
  • Include in Easter promotions and advertising
  • Video content
  • Sweepstakes to win signed copies
  • Virtual author tour & in-person author events in Chicago, Seattle & Los Angeles
  • Cross-promotion through author and/or illustrator’s website and social media profiles 


Suggestions and example for YA/adult fiction:

  • National print and online publicity campaign
  • Extensive national advertising campaign targeting YA fantasy readers and fans of fairy tales, including Book Riot,     Goodreads, and Buzzfeed
  • Prepublication buzz campaign, including trade and consumer advertising
  • Early-reader review programs via NetGalley, Shelf Awareness, Goodreads, and Book Riot
  • ARC distribution to media, booksellers & YA influencers
  • ABA Pre-order campaign with limited edition promotional item
  • Promotion to book clubs
  • create distinct # related to book title/campaign] digital marketing campaign to include partnering with YA influencers, content reveals, teaser video, author videos, virtual events, newsletter promotions, sweepstakes & custom social assets
  • Promotions tied to major conferences and festivals such as C2E2, San Diego Comic-Con, New York Comic-Con, Emerald City Comic-Con, YALLWest, and YALLFest
  • DRC posted and promoted via Edelweiss
  • Holiday regional catalog advertising
  • Cross-promotions with debut authors 
  • School and library marketing including conference promotion at ALA and AASL

Suggestions and example for adult nonfiction/biography:

  • Featured at select trade shows including Fall Regionals and Edelweiss Bookfest
  • Edelweiss Featured Title + DRC
  • Focused library marketing
  • Outreach to LGBTQIA+ book groups
  • Advertising in major trades and LGBTQIA+ focused media publications
  • Events, virtual and in-person in great NYC-area, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and San Francisco
  • Goodreads giveaway campaign
  • Press kit
  • Promotions in conjunction with LGBT History Month and National Coming Out Day (October)
  • Author’s official social media: @_____________ (104k followers)


Note: Keep Edelweiss' audience in mind; this is intended as an overview for all accounts and should remain relatively account-agnostic. Refrain, for example, from mentioning Amazon Advertising campaigns or a Target exclusive.  


Additional materials like your in-detail marketing plan (that can include Amazon advertising and other retailer-specific promotions) in .doc, .xls, or .pdf, as well as sell sheets, coloring sheets, media/press kits, reading guides, etc. can be useful  for our team as well. These should be submitted to IPG via the Sales Kit and Marketing Materials Transfer Form found in Publisher Resources. 


Aim to have your marketing plans by absolutely no later than 2 weeks prior to IPG's Sales Conference for the season in which your book publishers, though the sooner the better. These plans will help IPG's Sales reps get you good actionable feedback when you present and where possible, more informed buying projections and sales expectations.


If you aren't sure what your marketing plans should look like or would be interested in working with IPG's Marketing team to discuss or supplement your plans, you can connect with us via